La Hrsa Premia a CHI Reconociéndolo Como Un Centro Médico Líder En Calidad

El nuevo grupo de residentes médicos de CHI contribuye a la calidad total de la atención médica dentro de la organización.

Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) es reconocido como un “Centro médico líder en calidad” por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE. UU. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HRSA). CHI recibió un premio por estar dentro del 20 por ciento de centros médicos a nivel nacional que aplican medidas clínicas de calidad.

“Este premio demuestra nuestro compromiso con dar una atención de la mejor calidad”, dijo Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., Presidente/director general de CHI. “Nuestros pacientes pueden esperar que vayamos siempre un paso más allá y hagamos lo imposible en un esfuerzo por lograr los mejores resultados para que puedan llevar vidas saludables”.

La HRSA otorgó la adjudicación luego de comparar las medidas de calidad clínica de CHI con las de otros 13,000 centros médicos distribuidos por todos los Estados Unidos.

En una carta que acompañaba al premio, James Macrae, administrador adjunto de la HRSA, escribió: “Muchas gracias por su compromiso con dar a su comunidad servicios de atención médica primaria de calidad”.

Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) comenzó hace más de 45 años como una luz de esperanza para las personas sin seguro médico. Actualmente, se ha expandido y se ha convertido en una compañía de atención médica integral sin fines de lucro que atiende a cerca de 83,000 pacientes con y sin seguro médico cada año. Cuenta con 11 centros médicos distribuidos desde Coconut Grove hasta los Cayos. También tiene 35 centros médicos ubicados en escuelas y un centro médico educativo. CHI cuenta con la acreditación de la Comisión Conjunta (Joint Commission) y el reconocimiento del Comité Nacional sobre Garantía de Calidad (National Committee on Quality Assurance) como un Centro de atención médica centrado en el paciente de Nivel III. Además, CHI fue el 2.o centro médico calificado a nivel federal del país en ser designado como un Centro de atención médica de salud conductual. CHI es también el ganador del premio Sterling otorgado por el gobernador de Florida.

Chi tiene un modelo de compras con una sola parada que les permite a los pacientes usar varios servicios en un solo lugar. Cuenta con servicios de atención primaria, pediatría, obstetricia y ginecología, odontología, salud conductual, oftalmología, atención de urgencia, farmacia, radiología y laboratorio. CHI incluso ofrece transporte gratis para que los pacientes puedan asistir a sus citas médicas y regresar a sus casas, y hace envíos gratis de medicamentos de bajo costo con receta.

CHI es también la cuna del Centro médico educativo Brodes Hartley, Jr. Los programas de residencia cuentan con la acreditación del Consejo de Acreditación en Educación de Posgrado en Medicina (Accreditation Counsel on Graduate Medical Education).

Chi Recognized As Health Center Quality Leader With Hrsa Award

CHI’s newest class of medical residents contribute to the overall quality of healthcare within the organization.


Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) is recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA) as a “Health Center Quality Leader.” CHI received the award for placing among the top 20 percent nationwide in clinical quality measures.

“This award shows our commitment to providing top quality care,” said Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., President/CEO at CHI. “Our patients can expect that we will always go above and beyond to strive for the best outcomes so that they can lead healthy lives.”

HRSA awarded the designation by comparing CHI’s clinical quality measures to more than 13,000 other health centers throughout the United States.

“Thank you for your commitment to providing quality primary health care services to your community,” wrote James Macrae, HRSA Associate Administrator, in a letter accompanying the award.

Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) started out as a beacon of hope for the uninsured more than 45 years ago. Today, it has grown into a comprehensive nonprofit health care company that cares for nearly 83,000 insured and uninsured patients every year. It has 11 health centers spanning from Coconut Grove into the Keys. It also has 35 school-based health centers and a teaching health center. CHI is accredited by the Joint Commission and recognized by the National Committee on Quality Assurance as a Level III Patient Centered Medical Home and CHI was the 2nd Federally Qualified Health Center in the nation to be designated as a Behavioral Health Medical Home. CHI is also the winner of the Florida Governor’s Sterling Award.

CHI has a one-stop shopping model that allows patients to utilize several services in one location. It has primary care, pediatrics, OB/GYN, dental, behavioral health, vision, urgent care, pharmacy, radiology and laboratory services. CHI even offers free transportation for patients going to and from doctor’s appointments and delivers low-cost prescriptions at no delivery charge.

CHI is also home to the Brodes Hartley, Jr. Teaching Health Center. The residency programs are accredited by the Accreditation Counsel on Graduate Medical Education.

White Coat Captions

From left to right Dr. Elizabeth Philippe, Program Director and Assistant DIO, watches as Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., President/CEO, presents new resident, Dr. Ludonir Sebastiany with his white coat. Dr. Saint Anthony Amofah, Sr. VP, DIO, CMO, CAO looks on.

From left to right Dr. Elizabeth Philippe, Program Director and Assistant DIO and Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., President/CEO presents new resident Dr. Patchouco Theodore with his white coat.

From left to right front row: Psychiatry Resident, Dr. Janny Mesa; Dr. Abiona Redwood, Family Medicine Program Instructor; Dr. Saint Anthony Amofah, Sr. VP, DIO, CMO, CAO; Family Medicine Resident, Dr. Slabine Menelas; Dr. Tamara Wright, Family Medicine Instructor; Dr. Elizabeth Philippe, Program Director and Assistant DIO; Family Medicine Resident, Dr. Patchouco Theodore.

From left to right back row: Psychiatry Resident , Dr.Frank Ezeh; Family Medicine Resident Dr. Ifeoluwa Balogun; Family Medicine Resident, Dr. Ludonir Sebastiany; Psychiatry Resident, Dr. Tony Abraham.

From left to right: Dr. Frank Ezeh, Dr. Janny Mesa, Dr. Saint Anthony Amofah, Sr. VP, DIO, CMO, CAO, Dr. Tony Abraham. 

President’s Message

This is one of my favorite times of the year as we celebrate all that community health centers bring to our nation and our neighborhoods. National Health Center Week (NHCW) is August 5th through August 10th. During this week we will highlight the mission and strengths of community health centers and the valuable resources that they provide. Health centers play a key role in the health of underserved communities. Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) has provided more than 1,200 jobs and cared for nearly 83,000 patients. Almost 65 percent of those patients are low income.

Each day of National Health Center Week we will shine the light on different areas in which community health centers have made tremendous strides. Some of those areas include healthcare for the homeless, for agricultural workers, healthcare for children and much more.

This is also the time of the year when summer is coming to a close and children prepare to start a new and fulfilling school year. That’s why CHI is hosting school physical days in Monroe County on August 10th and in Miami-Dade County on August 17th. Physicals are just $35, sports physicals are $35 without an EKG and with an EKG a sports physical is $50. Of course, most of that is covered under insurance. But you don’t have to wait until those dedicated dates. You can come in and get the same rates leading up to the start of school. Make sure to bring your child’s immunization forms.

I would like to encourage you and your family to become an advocate for the growth and progression of health centers. Visit to learn more about ways to get involved. On this site you can contact your senator or representative to express your opinion on the urgent issues and legislation that affect funding of community health centers. Become the voice that will help cultivate the culture of advocacy around the country by becoming informed with different tools created to endorse the pivotal responsibility of our health centers.

Finally get ready to roll the dice and join us for an evening of winners. The CHI Foundation is hosting Casino Night on Saturday, September 7, 2019 at Christ the King Lutheran Church Hall. The event is always a blast with delicious food, drinks and casino games, all for a great cause.

As many of you know, CHI is working on constructing a Children’s Crisis Center to provide children with short term, residential, intensive behavioral health treatment. For more information on tickets and ways to become an event sponsor visit It is important that we as a community help our youth suffering from mental roadblocks that affect not only their present, but their future as well.


Brodes H. Hartley Jr.

President and CEO

Oral Health


When the Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) mobile dental trailer rolls up to a school or summer camp, the end result is a beautiful smile for children. CHI recently received a grant of nearly $180,000 from the Children’s Trust to provide preventative dental care to an estimated 1,800 students ranging in ages from 3 to 13.

Many working parents often have to balance a difficult dilemma – risk-taking a day off from work and losing a day’s pay to take their children to the dentist for cleanings, sealants or oral exams. With this grant, CHI is able to alleviate that stress by going directly to schools and summer camps. Parents sign a consent form in advance and do not have to be present when the exams take place. It’s a win-win for parents and their children.

“It’s a much-needed service,” said Dr. Sheri Watson-Hamilton, Dental Director at CHI. “And that’s why we’re here.”

According to Dr. Watson-Hamilton, her team of dental hygienists has already cared for more than 400 children throughout the Southern end of Miami-Dade County and all the way up to Coconut Grove.

“We explain and show them the importance of brushing and flossing,” she said. “Dental cavities are still a frequent problem because of the sugary drinks and foods kids eat.”

If a child has a more serious issue, then a letter is sent to the parents urging them to make an appointment at a CHI health center.

“Kids’ reactions are mixed, at first, but the results after are always good. They’re happy and they usually feel more confident and comfortable after we sit down and show them how to better care for their teeth,” Dr. Watson-Hamilton said.

More than 10 schools across Miami-Dade will be receiving this service. It is something that the non-profit takes great pride in providing.

“I’m excited about this new opportunity that we have for this community,” said Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., President and CEO of CHI. “As you know, we always try to improve on the services that we provide to the community and take the services to the people. We are not just waiting for people to come to us.”

Graduate 2019


Graduates left to right: Dr. Michael Nilmeier, Family Medicine, Dr. Michael Taylor, Family Medicine, Dr. Urania Davis, OB/GYN, Dr. Christine Dunlop, Family Medicine, Dr. Elkins Guzman, Psychiatry, Dr. David Bohannon, Psychiatry.

Community Health of South Florida, Inc (CHI) graduated its third class of medical residents from its Brodes H. Hartley, Jr. Teaching Health Center. Six physicians finished their residencies in family medicine, psychiatry and OB/GYN.

“I am proud of the progress and growth of our residents as well as the faculty team that continues to guide these young doctors,” said Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., President and CEO. “Your dedication and commitment have surpassed expectations.”

It was an emotional afternoon as graduates and faculty reflected on the journey to get to this point. Long nights, early mornings and intensive studying have helped to mold the graduates into smart, compassionate and devoted doctors.

“I am thankful for the lessons that we have learned along the way,” said Chief Resident, Urania Davis. “Thank you to our attendings who taught us patience, and for setting an example in the way you care for your patients. Thank you for placing a scalpel in my hand when everything inside of me said I couldn’t do it. Thank you for teaching us practical study habits that will make us lifelong learners.”

Dr. Joan St. Onge, Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education at University of Miami Health System, gave the keynote address.

“Look around you. Look at your mentors, your faculty, and your fellow residents,” said Dr. St. Onge. “This is your network. While your network over your career will expand, staying close to this network has a great number of benefits. Do not be afraid to call on your network. No matter how many years have passed. They will be there for you.”

Dr. St. Onge also encouraged the young doctors to think about one of CHI’s founders, Doris Ison. She recognized that there was a critical problem in South Dade, a lack of access to healthcare and set out to change that.

“She was able to get doctors to volunteer their time and at the end was the creation of CHI,” said Dr. St. Onge. “You are part of her legacy.”

Just a few weeks later, that legacy continued as CHI welcomed in its new class of seven residents in family medicine and psychiatry with a white coat ceremony. (See photos on page 3)

“We are so proud of this program because the success that we have experienced in a short time,” said Hartley. “The last two classes to graduate in family medicine all passed their boards at a 100 percent pass rate. That’s exceptional! So we are proud of that and we know you have chosen a quality program.”

Nowadays It Is a Tendency To Use Sunscreens, But … Are They Really Safe?

Dr. Antonella Annunziato, Pharmacist and Health Blogger, talks about the safety of sunscreens, as well as the pros and cons of their use.

Did you know that applying sunscreens to prevent burns reduces the risk of the Melanoma, but could it increase the incidence of other benign skin cancers?

It is increasingly known that the use of sunscreen prevents the development of the Melanoma (malignant skin cancer, with a higher mortality rate), however, there are other types of skin cancer, which according to scientific studies could escape the effectiveness of sunscreens!

Dr. Dedee Murrell, an expert who will talk about this topic at the International Congress of Dermatology 2021, in Melbourne – Australia, and the American Cancer Society, assure through clinical cases that each year more than 3.3 million patients are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer, compared to the current projection (2019) of 100,000 patients with Melanoma.

This is due to the fact that sunscreens do not protect us 100% from the sun’s rays, they only filter UV radiation, so long sun exposures could cause invisible lesions, which as a consequence would trigger mutations in certain cells of the skin, increasing the risk of incidence of other types of non-melanoma cancer.

But… Does this mean that the use of Sunscreens is not convenient?

Although it may sound paradoxical, the use of sunscreens is effective depending on the criteria and conscious use of each person and if they are combined with other sun protective measures.

For a Sunscreen to work effectively and safe, we must:

  • Avoid long and indiscriminate sun exposure, even when the use of sunscreens is for avoid burns, remember they do not block 100% of the sun’s rays
  • Exposures at the sunlight should be on appropriate hours, recommended by specialists, like before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m.
  • It is recommended take sunbaths with balance, it means, several times in short terms
  • Also use other measures of sun protection such as sun visors, sunglasses, clothes, to protect the most sensitive areas of the skin
  • Choose a sunscreen with at least Sun Protection Factor of 50 (SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays)
  • Apply the sunscreen 20 minutes before the exposure and re-apply every two hours
  • Choose the right formula according to the needs of each patient, like cream, powder, spray or gel to ensure comfort and adherence
  • Hydrate the skin at the end of each exposure, to avoid injuries.

Remember that the safety and effectiveness of a sunscreen is also in your hands!

President’s Message

Summer is here and the children are out of school. Many of you are likely planning family vacations. Keep in mind the summer is the perfect time to schedule all of your appointments without having to juggle school schedules. At Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI), we want to make quality healthcare convenient for your family. You can schedule your dental, pediatric, vision and other appointments all on the same day.

Brodes H. Hartley Jr. President and CEO at the Legacy Magazine Gala accepting his award for Legacy Legend of the Year.)

Some of you might have celebrated a graduation recently. Here at CHI, we are looking forward to graduating our third class of six residents in June and bringing on seven new residents just a couple weeks later with a white coat ceremony. Summer is a busy time for CHI. We recently acknowledged our nurses for their dynamic and compassionate contribution to care during Nurses Week. We thank them for being an integral part of our operations, ensuring that our patients, families and employees get the best care possible.

I am proud to tell you that CHI was recently awarded several honors including: Chamber South’s 1st Place Multi-Cultural Workforce Award, 2nd Place Corporate and Social Responsibility award and I was given the 2nd place Executive of the year award. In addition, I am grateful to Legacy Magazine as I was awarded the Legacy Legend of the Year award for one of the most powerful and influential black business leaders of 2019. It was an honor simply to be among so many insightful and innovative leaders at the awards gala. On top of this, CHI was named one of three Healthcare Hero Award finalists by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.

I want to thank those who supported us by participating in CHI’s Glen Rice Celebrity Golf Tournament. We had 130 golfers participate on this fun day and the event helped raise $45,000 to help build our Children’s Crisis Center for kids who need inpatient, 24-hour intensive mental health treatment. You can still be part of the solution for our kids. Just log onto our website to donate at or call (305) 252-4853.

We are constantly looking at how we can improve to serve you better. Recently, we expanded our parking lot at our Naranja Health Center to accommodate more people and we added new solar lights. We are almost done with our expansion project for our Marathon Health Center and hope to open the doors to our new state of the art facility this summer. More to come on the grand opening.

Yours Truly,

Brodes H. Hartley, Jr.

CHI Future Depends upon Community Support

Saving and improving lives is Community Health of South Florida’s (CHI) top priority. The organization was founded to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare. That mission should also be a top concern for Congressional leaders. Community Health Centers throughout the nation are calling on Congress to take action and pass the funding bill, which will allow CHI to continue serving low- to moderate-income communities.


If Congress doesn’t act by September 30th, CHI and thousands of other community health centers across the nation would be forced to scale back their services. The impact would hurt many patients who rely on CHI for their comprehensive care including: primary care, pediatrics, behavioral health, dental, vision, OB/GYN, urgent care, radiology, laboratory, pharmacy and more.

Nationwide, more than 28 million people depend on one of 1,400 Community Health Centers for health care. Closer to home, CHI served the needs of more than 82,000 patients in Monroe and Miami-Dade Counties last year.

CHI relies on federal funds to maintain its facilities, purchase supplies and pay its staff. That’s why it is critical that the community’s voice is heard throughout the Congressional halls of Washington, D.C. and beyond.

“We are asking for your help to make your voice heard. Reach out to your member of Congress and ask that your elected leaders support Community Health Centers by extending funding,” said Brodes H. Hartley, Jr., President and CEO of CHI. “Community Health Centers are a cornerstone of the nation’s health care system. We must have continued funding to respond to the community’s increasing health care needs.”

CHI has treated countless families, children, adolescents and elderly since its inception in 1971. The organization is committed to expanding access to care for all and to never turn any patient away regardless of their ability to pay.

“If the bills did not get passed, there would be a substantial impact to CHI,” said Peter Wood, CHI’s Director of Planning and Development. “Forty percent of our overall operating budget is made up of grants including federal, state and local government.”

CHI is committed to serving the needs of the community. That’s why it opened a Teaching Health Center in 2013 to address a physician shortage nationwide. This program remains successful with graduates from numerous disciplines including primary care, psychiatry and OB/GYN. Some have remained with CHI to work as physicians in community healthcare.

Beyond this, CHI provides hundreds of jobs, many of which are highly skilled. It’s economic impact to South Florida exceeds $140 million.

“There’s a great need for stable employment and decent paying jobs, especially in the Southern region of Miami-Dade County,” Wood said.

CHI encourages everyone to reach out to their member of Congress and express their support for Community Health Centers.

New Benefits Program Provides Families With Life-Saving Resources CHI Teams Up With The Children’s Trust To Help Families Access Benefits

As a working mother of two school-age children, Yozuhara Delgadillo found herself struggling to put food on the table. In spite of her back pain, Delgadillo managed to find work as a housekeeper, while her husband worked as a gardener.


“The job wasn’t steady,” Delgadillo said. “We could not rely on a steady income.” The Delgadillo family faced the same problem every month struggling to pay rent and keeping up with other household costs. Their lives were filled with anxiety and fear over their finances.

Then, her kid’s school referred her to Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) for help. Delgadillo learned that she was eligible for more than just food stamps. Thanks to CHI’s Benefits Enrollment Program, which helps anyone caring for children access a wide range of benefits, Delgadillo could soon breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, Delgadillo’s children have access to food through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and her two sons, who are 11 and 8, have health care coverage through Florida’s Health Insurance Program KidCare.

Eunice Hines, Director of Migrant Health Services & Outreach at CHI, said anyone can apply for benefits regardless of their immigration status.

“It’s all about the community and linking them to needed services,” she said. “We offer 18 benefits, but even if the services they need are not on the list, we can help them out through other means, either by linking them to churches or other agencies.”

Through this program, CHI and The Children’s Trust have teamed up to close care gaps and reduce barriers for families. The team helps enroll families in a host of programs including cash assistance, school lunch, Medicaid, social security, housing energy assistance, childcare assistance and much more.

“I really do not know what we would have done without this help,” Delgadillo said. “They made it so easy and there were no judgments.”

If you or your family need this assistance, you can call (305) 252-4871.