Message From The President and CEO

Blake Hall – CHI President and CEO
Dear Friends,
First I want to thank all for your amazing support received last year in celebration of CHI’s 50th Anniversary. It was a very special milestone and your participation and donations made it another banner year in our fundraising efforts for the Children’s Crisis Center capital campaign.
As we head into the homestretch of our campaign I am proud to let you know that we are only $529,124 away from meeting our $5.5 million goal. This could not have been achieved without you — our superheroes — and for this reason, and in your honor, we have dubbed 2022 The Year of the CHI Superheroes.
The dictionary says the following about a superhero: “a morally righteous hero in a fictional work who possesses extraordinary abilities or supernatural powers and uses them to fight evil, as in comic books and movies.” Much of the definition is so appropriate as our donors are extraordinary, compassionate, morally righteous people who want to help these kids overcome their mental health issues.
In this e-newsletter, we proudly acknowledge superheroes such as Dr. Ora L. Strickland for her generosity and advocacy of the Children’s Crisis Center. We also highlight the CHI staff for contributing over $64,000 during our 2021 -2022 Employee Giving Campaign of which over $10,000 was provided to help the people of Haiti via the Ayiti Community Trust.
I am so proud of the work we are doing here at Community Health of South Florida, Inc. to provide high-quality comprehensive healthcare for kids and adults. I am excited to share with you our achievements throughout the year and look forward to seeing you soon.
Let’s continue to be SUPERHEROES and help those in need — together we can change the world for the better.
In Sincere Gratitude,
Blake Hall
President and CEO
Community Health of South Florida, Inc.