CHI Welcomes Nine New Residents Ready to Make a Difference in South Florida

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(from left to right) Drs. Merin Abraham, Joseph Mitchnaider, Sherlyne Magny, Kyianna Haughton, Sulma Moredo Loo, Jose Medina-Esquilin, Nicolas Picaza, Franchezca Theis-Higuera, and Farhana Yaqoob Khan.

On June 11, the Brodes H. Hartley, Jr. Teaching Health Center welcomed new family medicine and psychiatry residents. These nine residents are eager to learn from our skilled Teaching Health Center leaders and are dedicated to delivering healthcare to the South Florida community for years to come.

Psychiatry resident Dr. Sherlyne Magny shakes hands with Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Saint Anthony Amofah after receiving white coat.

President and CEO, Blake Hall, places white coat on family medicine resident, Dr. Franchezca Theis Higuera.

Family medicine resident, Dr. Farhana Khan, wears white coat for the first time at White Coat Ceremony.

Psychiatry resident, Dr. Nicolas Picaza, receives white coat.